The AASG Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit that supports operational, educational, and research activities of the Association of American State Geologists (AASG), which has been effective in promoting geologic mapping, preserving geoscience information, and many other efforts of broad, national scope.
The AASG Foundation:
- Promotes the importance of geosciences to society.
- Promotes state geological surveys as sources of geoscience needed to address local, state, and national issues.
Membership Rules
The AASG Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, Tax ID No. 20-8939615.
- Advocate for increased support for Geologic Mapping. Up-to-date geologic maps are essential to societal issues such as water quality and quantity, energy and mineral resources, as well as geologic hazards analysis and remediation. The AASG Foundation is committed to doubling the funds available for geologic mapping through the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program; for more information, please see the AASG Fact Sheet titled "Geologic Mapping"
- Generate support for Geologic Data Preservation. Issues related to energy and mineral resources, among others, rely heavily on the analysis of geological samples and geophysical data. Crucial collections are being lost due to inadequate funding of repositories. The National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program was established by Congress to address this need; for more information, please see the AASG Fact Sheet titled "Sample and Data Preservation"
- Advocate for more detailed evaluation of the nation's water supplies. Availability of adequate domestic, agricultural, and industrial water supplies directly impacts the American economy and public health. A national effort among federal, state, local government, and private sector partners therefore is needed to assess the quality and availability of the nation's water resources; for more information, please see the AASG Fact Sheet titled Ground Water
- Compile national databases of information on potential geothermal resources. Geothermal resources are important to our energy future. The state geological surveys have an ongoing role in compiling geothermal data.
- Advocate for the development of a national energy policy. AASG supports development of a comprehensive energy plan for our nation that recognizes our current dependence on fossil fuels, promotes the application of advanced technologies to our domestic fossil fuel resources, and advances research in alternative and renewable energy sources, for a sustainable energy future; for more information, please see the AASG Fact Sheet titled "Energy"
- Support efforts for national LiDAR and mapping programs. AASG advocates collection of accurate elevation data as an important component of a national digital basemap. LiDAR is a cost-effective technique for acquiring these data needed for broad applications, including hazard mapping, coastal erosion analysis, floodplain mapping, transportation planning, resource assessments, and many more.