

The website is a primary communication tool of the AASG. The mission of the Website Sub-Committee is to assure that the AASG website is regularly upgraded and maintained to provide versatility, ease of access, and rich content to Association members and interested non-members.

Membership Rules

Consists of two current state geologists, one Associate, and one Honorary member. Because the responsibility for hosting and maintaining the website will be transferred to a new member organization approximately every 5 years, the sub-committee should be chaired by a representative from the current host survey, and include at least one representative from a previous host survey.

  • Identify opportunities, changes, and problem areas within the AASG website by performing committee member trials and by periodically polling the membership. All identified problems will be reported to the sub-committee chair who will ensure that a given issue is addressed promptly by the appointed web-master.
  • Identify and document suggested improvements to the website through periodic committee meetings and membership polls.
    • Ascertain the feasibility of possible changes and/ or additions given hardware and budget constraints.
    • Provide an annual report on website development and suggested improvements to the Communications Committee Chair.
    • Present suggested major changes to the AASG Executive Committee for approval at one of four Executive Committee meetings held annually.
  • Ensure that lists of Members, Honorary Members, Associates, and state web links are kept current.
  • Provide oversight and guidance for minor interface and look and feel changes to the website.
  • Implement seamless transfer of website responsibilities from the Kansas Geological Survey to the Alaska Geological and Geophysical Survey.
  • Develop an initial approved list of proposed upgrades to be acted on by the Executive Committee at the September, 06 Liaison Committee meeting.
  • Circulate a website poll to the membership for input on suggested changes and develop an implementation plan.
  • Develop a secure web-based site for change orders and announcements to be accessed by the AASG Executive Committee.
Parent Committees
Past Committee Members
Robert (Bob) F. Swenson, Chair ( to )
Rex Buchanan, Participant ( to )
Larry D. Fellows, Participant ( to )
John C. Steinmetz, Participant ( to )